

Some lovely work by Jonathan Callan, currently on display in the Potteries Museum and Gallery in Hanley, Stoke-On-Trent:


I’m almost certain that I could never bring myself to do anything like that to my posessions. I’d have to go out and buy something that didn’t interest me in the slightest, so that I could cut it up. But then I wouldn’t be interested in it… it’s a vicious circle.

I’m still very much working the “any old piece of scrap will do” method of documenting my thoughts and ideas – I think it’s because, even though perhaps only one or two people will ever read this blog, it being one amongst millions, I still find it hard to openly discuss intial ideas. I prefer to keep them in my head, or a nice hardbacked, and ultimately private notebook; that way I don’t have to listen to the same criticisms that I have already thrown at my ideas myself.

I tend to only share when I think I have a good idea, or at least one that isn’t totally ridiculous. Which is silly considering it’s art, and art is basically what you make of it. I’m waffling now, but I can see myself simply scanning in all the scraps of paper here there and everywhere onto this thing, because I cannot get out of the habit of writing, rather than typing.

I don’t think that’s a bad thing at all. Which does not help my blog.

Deary me.

Lovely stuff.

Day-to-day activities that I have, for this semester, denied myself from doing. If I didn’t, I’m pretty sure my studio space as well as my term-time bedroom would be more than just “cluttered”…

24-01-08 Resisted the temptation to collect a post-it note the first time I saw it (Henrion building, Workshop corridor)
29-01-08 Resisted buying The Guardian for 44 consecutive days – blighted by the offer of a free novelty mug (Ember Lounge- smoking section)
04-02-08 Did not collect all the newspapers I found on the train (15.18 Derby to Crewe, 27 minutes)
05-02-08 Cleared a pile of scrap paper and notes from my desk, whilst only having to retain two newspapers(personal studio space)
09-02-08 Abandoned half of my Guardian weekend newspaper on the train so that other commuters may enjoy it (17:18 Derby to Crewe, 27 minutes)
22-02-08 Managed to throw away a whole stack of newspapers I have been harbouring since last December (namely The Sunday Times)
24-02-08 Reorganised and ordered my studio space whilst having an almighty brainwave (approx. 1.30pm)
29-02-08 My brainwave of the week caused a relapse in newspaper purchases – one of each popular tabloid/large English newspapers available in the local shops (7 in total)
01-03-08 Used Leap Day newspapers in an aside project that may become more important than I led myself to believe (2 spreadsheets detailing various similar factors)
06-03-08 Completed the majority of my initial analysis of my Leap Day newspapers, including sticking graphs of information up in my space, partially covering what has usually been a newspaper article pasted wall (14.35 – 17.48 )
20-04-08 Resisted the temptation to collect a handwritten note folded up on the road, despite the fact that it was beginning to rain and the words would be lost forever (outside No 42 Ashford St, Shelton)
22-04-08 Reorganised room to fit in studio contents, however, did not manage to throw out a small collection of found post-its I’ve had since mid-Summer last year
25-04-08 Did not pick up a lost zipper end (end of Ashford St, Shelton, two flags from lamp post base – 16:08, 17:48 )
26-04-08 Again, resisted the zipper end (12:11, 14:59, 15:17, 16:52, 22:09)
01-05-08 Could not resist picking up a note left behind on a nearby pub table. On closer inspection, the folded paper turned out to be a doodled-on bus ticket:

An excellent find! (The Famous Lion, Stoke – Back, raised eating area, second double table arrangement, 23:55)
02-05-08 Zipper end is not in it’s usual location; missing, presumed binned (12.35)
26-05-08 Resisted a highly decorative piece of torn paper on the ground (middle of Ashford St – 11:29, 12:55; 27-05-08 – 00:14)

16-08-08 Ignored a small pin-less badge on the ground – black w/ blue decoration, perhaps a lightning bolt? (Outside Milano, Liverpool City Centre – 14.28)

09-09-08 Did NOT go to Newcastle’s market today to buy things I do not need. However, did purchase a number of 78s that were less than necessary last week, that now reside in my His Master’s Voice box circa 1930s… (Ashford St, all day)

21-09-08 Completely forgot to update this for the past two weeks, and have forgotten nearly everything I did or did not do (Ashford St, 14:47)

21-09-08 Have recalled a huge event from last week! I found it impossible not to turn down a fantastic offer of a large box full off 78s for a measly £20. Having counted the records, I have 174 in my possession – 3 of which are broken, 2 I have given away, working out at 12p/record. Bargain – I will let myself off this time (sometime last week, Stoke Indoor Market, Rubber Soul stall, approx. 15:00)

24-09-08 Travelled to Stafford in an attempt to get my 40 year old Ilford 120 film (found in a charity shop Brownie camera) and half-used Super 8 film (still in the Super 8 camera, again a charity find) developed. Unsuccessful, however I did find a fantastic website (see first post in Level 3 category) purely by chance (Somewhere in the dregs of the Internet, 22:08)

25-09-08 Built a flatpack five-drawer chest with only a 6-step instruction booklet as guidance. It’s still standing, it’s still functional, I’m so proud (my termtime bedroom, 10:45 – 13:10)

Habits are safer than rules, you don’t have to watch them. And you don’t have to keep them either.”

– Frank Crane

Blogging is not a natural habit of mine. I’m much more of a pen and paper kind of person, and this blog is proving to be a real challenge for me. Good news, it’s back on track!

Exciting stuff.

Well, this being my first ever blog, I’m finding it rather difficult to get started. Procrastination is fast becoming my middle name, and I have recently discovered how engrossing and time-consuming general housework can be when you’re avoiding something.

With the help of daily blogging, I hope to document my Fine Art degree as much as possible. I tend to work on scraps of paper that I find lying around my desk, which has always worked for me in the past, but is somewhat difficult to organise… Although I have an aversion to the new, blogging may be the way forward for documentation of thoughts and ideas. This is what I plan for this blog, and hopefully you, the reader, will find this interesting.

Image reference: